Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It is not just about the babies, it is about us.

It is not just about the babies, it is about us.
by David B Severy

Abortion is the most heinous crime, number one in my point of view. First let me lay out some facts:

Every year we abort 22% of our naturally conceived fetuses ( They would each become a part of our nation for better or worse as do the other 75%. But 18 years after they are aborted someone else must be found to fill the gap we make by aborting them. In 1991 had they lived, (18 years after Roe vs. Wade was decided) all the aborted fetuses of 1973 would have turned 18 years old. In 1992, 1993 and each successive year until 2010 another years "crop" of aborted individuals would have turned 18. Their absence is profound. Between 1973 and 1991 25,000,000 babies were aborted ( see page 4). All would be between 18 and 37 years old today. So we effectively have made room for the 20 million illegals that do the work they would have done.

Additionally we must see that the economic activity that occurs in raising each child from infancy to adulthood (18) is forfeited to those illegals that fill the jobs related to their expenses. Add in the money sent out of the country by illegals. Also add in whatever number of the aborted who would have become engineers or scientists or doctors. America continues to slip in the number of necessary professionals it produces and we look to other nations to supply them.

The loss to our nation due to abortion is enormous. In fact we are now producing on average less than 2 children per married couple. This means we are not growing in population but shrinking. Both the illegal Hispanics and the legal Muslim communities are increasing in population. If the rates hold steady the nation will change dramatically in the next 50 years. That might be ok, but it might not be ok.

We also must consider the question of how our children view their elders when they understand that their own lives were a choice rather than a highly prized right and privilege. This leads to questions about the stability of our national psychology and morality. The estimate is that half of all pregnancies are "unintended." Here we enter into the arena of judgment, and I will share why abortion is the worst crime an individual can commit and the worst a society can sanction.

Humanity is not one step better than gutter rats if it chooses to behave like them. Rats are about one thing survival. Humans have the capacity to live above the lifestyle of the rat, far above it. And by our intellect we do live above it. But when we use our intellect to live only for our selfish pleasures we become nothing more than calculating perverse clever rats. I believe in the Lord Jesus the Messiah of Israel and all who believe Him. But I will give at least some kudos to any form of religious belief, societal form or political entity that values the child. It is still said in some quarters "the children are our future." They are certainly a part of our future unless we deny them their own.

So we should not fool ourselves about abortion. It is in most cases, easily over 90% of all cases, the elimination of an "unintended" UNWANTED child. It is NOT done for the health of the mother, nor to save her life. It is done because the parents have chosen not to take responsibility for the consequence of their sexual act. Bottom line people want to go on living without the “burden” of another mouth to feed, another mind to educate, and another child’s soul to love.

What passes as an act to improve the life of the parents ultimately has torn down the quality of life of the society in which they live. It is a sad state of affairs. When will we wake up? When will we embrace the results of our sexual acts, even the adulterous and promiscuous acts? Those results are souls just like we are. By aborting them we inhabit the most perverse gutters, dirtier than the worst slum rat ever inhabited.

The baby aborted goes straight to the arms of Jesus while we roll in the filth of our sexual misbehavior and the blood of 50 million abortions. Can the curse we bring on our nation be understood now? Twenty million illegals, 9% unemployment, economic recession, jobs sent overseas, war, drug abuse everywhere, pornography everywhere, no moral consensus, no political consensus… what will it take to wake us?

My answer is prayer and the preaching of the Gospel of God in Christ who loves us enough still to tell us the truth, and in fact to be the Truth we need. It is time for those in the pulpits to lead their preachers and teachers into the streets. It is time for the gospel to become the No. 1 message of the pro-life movement. Only the gospel can empower any man or woman to succeed, for success cannot be found apart from the Living God of the living, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I need to add this, and thank you Nancy U. for reminding me: It is because the contents of the womb are entirely human from conception to birth that abortion is so evil and wrong. We are valuable in God's sight beyond our understanding. He sent His ONLY Son to be a fetus and baby and child just like each of us were. We may call abortion a choice, and it is a choice. It is a choice to MURDER a human being, a PERSON. It is INFANTACIDE and it is A HOLOCAUST. Fifty million babies have been aborted. Fewer that one million and ten thousand Americans have been killed in ALL the wars this nation ever fought!

.................................................. 50 periods (50,000,000 babies)

. 1 period (1,000 000 battle deaths)

Saturday, May 01, 2010

More to this than meets the eye...

(It is a pro life article, read to the finish and see...)

Illegal immigration, why do we have this problem?

Many see it as a problem, and not a few are completely untroubled by it. As you might expect from me, I find the problem of illegal immigration to be found rooted in mankind’s greatest trouble: SIN. And there go most of those reading… on to another blog or web page. It is either true or not that sin is a problem, and that it is the source of all problems. If you think it is so, read on.

But what could it be that allows for the presence of perhaps 30 million illegal’s in this nation from Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe Russia? We know why they come, they come for the money. Perhaps they come for the “freedom” but if they had money in their own countries would they come for the “freedom?” So who is giving out the money?

Employers and the government, the Capitalists (the employers) and the Socialists (the Government) are giving out the money. One requires you work for it and the other that you vote for it. Both are attracting illegal immigrants like honey attracts bees. So why don’t our own citizens go after this money? Most do, and most get the money, and they get it from the same two sources for the same two services, working and voting. So why do we need illegal immigrants?

We need them to do the work Americans do not want to do and we need them to do the work Americans are too dumb to do. Talk about the MIDDLE class… Make that the MEDIOCRE class.

We are now too proud to pick fruits and vegetables and not smart enough to become engineers.

But why? Could that SIN thing relate to the mess we are in? Yes, it could and does.

Many people in America are not Christians and do not agree that sin is the issue. Yet many Christians or so called Christians do not believe in sin or hell. Many other people will say that they are spiritual, and/or that there is a spiritual part of life which is very real, but they will deny sin as a reality. And others just deny the spiritual part of human life altogether.

What is at the root of the denial of sin? The desire to escape judgment in this life, and for those who think there is a God and a life after death, they desire to escape judgment in that afterlife. If they only knew how simple God has made it for us to enjoy Him and His afterlife. But that is another part of the “equation.”
What is critical to understand is that those who disbelieve sin disbelieve the one who defines sin. They will not acknowledge God, God’s authority and sovereignty. And to the point here, they will not acknowledge that God knows what sin is. Simply put, God knows what is right and what is wrong absolutely in every real case. We may know, or we may not; God does.

So we are left with two kinds of people on earth, those who seek the truth as to what is right and wrong, and those who seek to do as they wish with as little harm to themselves as possible. These are the two kinds of people. I am moving in one direction or the other. You are moving in one direction or the other.

If you are seeking to do it your way for your own benefit, what is right or wrong will not concern you much.

Not getting caught is what matters.

So it is easy to see that those who would rather sell cars than wash them compete to get those jobs… when cars are selling. Those who would rather ship fruit that pick it… the same. And those who would rather earn seven figure incomes as banking/business moguls than five/six figures as engineers, they compete for those jobs. So we have illegal immigrants picking fruit, washing cars, and surprisingly they are engineering our software in sales, industry and medicine.

But there is one other factor that really puts the proverbial kibosh on reversing the trend. It is something so obvious it pains me to think how little we see it. Surely many just float down the river in Egypt regarding ABORTION, but it really puts a finishing touch on our NEED for people to come over our borders illegally OR LEGALLY to do the work we want done.

One out of four babies conceived in America are aborted. Does this or does this not open up 25% on out of every four jobs to a foreign born person? The math seems quite simple. All other things aside, every aborted child can never hold a job in their home country. If United States citizens continue to abort 25% of their offspring, their progeny, their posterity, their own flesh and blood CHILDREN they will never ever recoup the kind of economic social and SPIRITUAL prosperity they once enjoyed. The will continue to decline until the nation bears little resemblance to what it was in 1776, 1876 or 1976. It is already happening.

The tea parties are just what? They are the moral minority plus those whose pocketbooks are finally being touched to deeply. Forget the tea party. It will do nothing except perhaps return the grievous social problems we experience into the hands of republicans who are no better equipped to fix them than democrats. We need Jesus to fix them, and if we will let Him fix us, if you and I will let Him fix us, perhaps we may have an opportunity again to fix the nation.

(The truth is that other methods birth control also suppress the birth rate and add to the decile in native born citizens. We prefer either not to raise children or not to overburden ourselves with more that 1.2 kids)
