The only issue of any real importance before the Supreme(ly unseemly) Court today is Abortion. Unfortunately the country seems to be without much active protest against this mind numbing heart hardening crime against humanity.
The level of greed indicated by persons who both promote and profit from the "proceedures", and from the absence of "expensive" children is not appalling to a sinner like myself. But God, who chooses our delusions (Isaiah 66:4) never even dreamed of the sacrifice of infants (Jeremiah 32:35).
Who replaces Mrs. O'Connor will be good for the nation only if he/she leads us closer to the day when our posterity is protected from murderers cloaked in medical uniforms spewing "liberal democratic" rhetoric. (liberal and democratic are good words made filthy by these creeps and other kinds of creeps)
Consider that nearly half of the 40,000,000 aborted boys and girls(that's 20 million) would today have already entered the work force or college or the military; and additionally would be paying taxes and Soc.Sec. payroll taxes. It only makes sense to me that we return to the day when we raise our own children and let them enjoy the fruits now being (legally and illegally) offered to the flood of foriegners on our soil.
Well, God got it right again: Proverbs 14:34--->Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. We are reproached every time an illegal fills a job, and everytime a legal alien takes an education and a career out of the country(they call it outsourcing).
Abortion is so hard to think about, you know. But if you don't, and don't oppose it, you will oppose little if any other abomination.
Friday, July 01, 2005
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