Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seen today on a t-shirt.

Seen today on a t-shirt at Towson Univ. Cook Library: "You think you know but you have no idea."

That sort of sums up my thoughts for us as a race, the human race that is. We think we know…

I have noticed more and more the changing face of the U.S. : so many Latinos, and not a few Africans, Asians, and South Asians. I even heard a member of a surveyor's crew calling out coordinates in a eastern European accent! I would be moved to paranoia as many are, except to remember that they are all human and for the most part all have human aspirations much the same as I do, and you.

From 1986 to 2005 The number of new legal immigrants admitted remained relatively stable at about 400,000 annually(http://www.migrationpolicy.org/) that is: eight million over the last 20 years. It is said that there are 12-20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. of A. Why has this happened? Why have 20-30 million foreign born people come to this country to live? Some come for freedom. Some come for educational opportunities. Others are recruited by industry. Each is a story in itself to be sure.

Many U.S. citizens, almost all the sons of immigrants, cry aloud, bemoaning this wave of immigration. The minor holocaust of 9/11 certainly amplified the chorus of nay and doomsayers. But if you ask this writer, we are in part, in large part responsible for this situation. The following has not been received well by those I have spoken it to, nonetheless I think we must consider our complicity in immorally and illegally making room for 20-30 million foreigners in this country.

We will fast approach the infamous distinction of having aborted 50 million. Call them fetuses, babies, unborn, preborn, infants—it hardly matters; what cannot be disputed is that almost half of those aborted would now be 18 years old, and would be English speaking persons at some adult stage of life. Many would be employed. Some would be in college. Some would be in the military, and others in Green Peace, some Democrats, others Republicans. Some would be disabled or chronically ill, or in prison. But most would be pulling their weight, and adding to the strength of the nation. In short, they would be human, and as a whole they would be just like the rest of us, but for the fact of their termination, their abortion.

Had they lived, they would be competing in the market place just like we are. And they would be spending their wages and salaries just like we do. In fact, there would be far fewer aliens sending U.S. dollars out of country! Our economy, stupid, would enjoy the fruits of their labors: millions (billions?) of dollars that now find there way into other nations economies.

I expect that half of all reading this will blow off my theory as ridiculous. But these are those who find the idea of a fetus being human ridiculous. I would not mind being deceived of all I have said. But of this I cannot be deceived: preborn infants are human at conception; their abortion is murder in the sight of God and of some men and women. If the fetus is not a human being, what are those who say it is not a human? And if and since fetuses are human, it is clear that those who have supported abortion have been deceived. And what are the deceived? They ARE DECEIVED. The deceived know not that they are deceived. Their deception calls all their knowledge into question. If you say it is no crime to abort a human fetus, I cannot even trust you to tell me water is wet.