Saturday, September 25, 2004


My purpose in setting up the blog is to revive interest in advancing the pro- life cause. It seems to be that a mandate for change can only come thru a grass roots movement to change minds, to become a majority view capable of voting in a majority of pro lifers to the Congress (U.S.). Well, if this is so, lets get rolling.

I have found this site to be one of the best sources if info on the horrors of abortion. It also has some wonderful stories of children who survived attempted abortions, and some who are the children of rape. There are also some very graphic photos. Although they are difficult to view, they are very effective and persuasive tools with which to demonstrate the humanity of the unborn child. They have lots of links.

I hope you will comment. Please share new ideas, tactics and stategies for persuading the pro "choice" peeps. Also, lets remember to educate our own children. The schools and universities will have them educated otherwise, and in a heartbeat if they can. Sincerely, Dave

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